Dentistry, Kecskemét 5 clinic (79 Dentist, 77 Orthodontist, 77 Dental technician, 77 Dental assistant, 77 Oral surgeon)
Description, questionsDentures, Kecskemét
Traditional dental practice has been a lack of will compensate by using bridges. The hídkészítés or just slightly crowded teeth to be ground, and in many cases animals crowns. More frequent and legitimate needs of patients to replace their missing teeth without the adjacent healthy teeth grinding. In the case of the missing teeth on using modern materials and technologies this is now possible.
Mucous Membrane Treatment, Surgery, Kecskemét
The mouth is very sensitive to various infections, diseases. The procedure used to relieve the symptoms in time and result in a speedy recovery. The treatment may be drugs or magnetic therapy. 2. The surgery is done mucosal anesthesia, so not a painful procedure. On average, 4-5 weeks of recovery time.
Lifting Bite Splint, Kecskemét
Lifting rail bite in case you need if you want to nighttime teeth grinding phenomenon and mitigate its adverse consequences on the teeth.
Denture Repair, Kecskemét
The broken lines will not be stuck together with glue, but the dentures polymerized own material, so the repaired teeth will be restored to its state prior to the repair and equivalent.
Tooth Jewelery, Kecskemét
The jewelry will be a beautiful aesthetic dentures ornament. Fitting does not involve any risk, since recording is done by gluing, it does not require a drilled tooth. You can cut glass, precious or 24 carat gold.
Dental Consultation, Kecskemét
Complete oral examination, assessment and preparation of the szüséges dental treatment plan.
Relining Dentures, Kecskemét
The plastic base plate require relining dentures time. Since the prosthesis had a half-year was 1 becomes loose, it is necessary alábélelni a special soft remaining relining material. rápréselődik this material the entire inner surface of the prosthesis based on the imprint, filling the slots and re-compressed to ensure proper to the mucosa.
Furrow, Kecskemét
The most dangerous, the most common and destroying the tooth decay as soon as the chewing surface barázdaszuvasodás. After the teeth will change very immature, they do not contain enough calcium and more vulnerable to bacteria. Most of the remaining teeth 1-2 years will change after the decay of the highest degree.
Fluorocarbon Treatment, Kecskemét
Built on Fluoride strengthens the dental hard tissues are thus not only reduce tooth sensitivity, but also makes them more resistant to decay. Local treatment with fluoride primitive decay process can be stopped, and reversed resistance of tooth enamel can be increased.